"DENTA VITA" Private Dental Clinic
"DENTA VITA" has been functioning in the area of stomatologic services in the Republic of Moldova for more than 16 years. The clinic is located in the very centre of the capital, in the City of Chisinau.
All kinds of teeth treatment are painless (new technologies of anesthesia)!
Individual approach to each client.
Qualified personnel who have had training in various disciplines in the USA, GERMANY, SWTZERLAND, RUSSIA and other countries.
Guarantee for all kinds of dental services.
Stomotalogic services:
Therapy and Orthopedy
- Gratis advisory of the Denta Vita Clinic stomatologist
- Any complexity tooth treatment: treatment of caries, restoration of the interproximal contact (PALODENT System and V-ring – NEW!), pulpitis, propylaxis of caries, children’s dentistry.
- All kinds of teeth prosthesis: metal-free ceramics, metal-ceramics, implant prosthesis, inlays, veneers, cabling prosthesis (the bridge without fasing). video
- Cosmetic stomatology: art tooth restoration, restoration of vertical dimension, front teeth lengthening (smile rejuvenation) videо
- Dental implants (painless)
- Treatment of cyst and granuloma
- Gum treatment (parodontitis, paradontosis, gingivitis etc) by the appliances Cavitron JET, Vector and laser scaling.
- Teeth extraction of various complexity absolutely with no pain, a special approach to children for extracting a tooth.
- Laser surgery
- Bite correction of any complexity by the most modern non-removable self-ligating appliances such as DAMON System brackets (USA) Video The treatment is performed within a short period of time! The most accurate indirect method of the brackets fixation is applied NEW!.
- Traditional brackets of the Dentaurum Firm System (Germany) (ceramic, metallic brackets)
- Children’s treatment with removable devices at an early age (braces of various modifications)
- Treatment with segmental technique (partial fixation of the bracket system)
- Fixation of the retention devices of the ORMCO Firm (respond) after the brackets removal.
Professional hygiene
- Removal of dental deposits (scale), tartar of a smoker. Liquidation of the mouth smell. All these treatments are performed by the Cavitron JET и Profiflex modern appliances (AirFlow). As a present, master-class on tooth brushing.

Stomatology is a big world based on scientific knowledge, medical approach, experience, dentist’s abilities and technical equipment of the clinic. Up-to-date stomatology is rapidly developing, offering new technologies, materials, instruments and equipment. Without their application, it would not be possible to achieve high aesthetic results in our profession.
Being a dentist is extremely interesting, complex and responsible, especially in our clinic! Everything we do every day has become a standard of the medical care for people. Each patient is given concern and individual approach in our clinic. Diagnosis and treatment are based on scientific and practical knowledge that accounts for absence of discomfort after treatment.
The DENТA VITA Clinic patients’ health is in perfect security as we use reliable and certified equipment and medications in our work to treat and sterilize instruments.
Our practice is on the “cutting edge” owing to the constant mastering of the new technologies, personal enrichment and perfection of our doctors’ manual skills.
When treating teeth, we are looking for the ways to perform the procedures rapidly, effectively and at a high quality. All our work has a guarantee with full prophylactic examination free of charge.
With the help of this site, we would like to inform people, who very often become hostages of the ungrounded information, of the up-to-date methods of stomatologic treatment. We would like to teach people to understand and evaluate the state of their health to choose their relevant way treatment in the partnership with their dentist.
I wish you good luck and healthy smiles.
Sincerely yours,
Seghei Suhan