Avantajele aplicarii LASERULUI in clinica stimatologica DentaVita. Datorita proprietatilor bactericide laserul este aplicat cu success in tratamentul afectiunilor parodontiului (singerarea gingiilor,inlatura mirosurile neplacute din cavitatea bucala), tratamentul de albire a dintilor, tratamentul granulomelor si chisturilor dentare etc.
One of the most widespread methods of dental restoration is prosthesis using metal-free ceramics (all ceramics). The chief doctor of the dental clinic Denta Vita Sergei Suhan tells about it in this article.
In the rubric “Dental clinics in Moldova”, the dental clinic Denta Vita issued an article about the advantages of LASER use in dentistry. In particular, it narrates about laser whitening, the use of laser surgery in the treatment of periodontal disease (periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis ...), in the treatment of granuloma etc.
Laser in dentistry. In this article, consultant Sergey Suhan, the chief doctor of the dental clinic Denta Vita tells about the advantages of laser use for the treatment of periodontitis (gum disease), cysts, granulomas, laser whitening etc.
Implantation is the best way to restore a lost tooth. Medical consultant Sergey Suhan, the chief doctor of dental clinic Denta Vita, narrates bout the implantation, its advantages and the dental implant service life.
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