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D-tec light


During many years people contented themselves with the sunlight, as the unique light source, but in due course we learned to create artificial sources.

It is scientifically proved that light strongly influences human mind.

In general, our ability to see and, accordingly, our ability to do something in many respects depend on lighting.

It is interesting the fact that 80 % of our impressions are gotten through our sight.

In northern part of hemisphere working capacity for 12 % people reduces because of the darkness in winter. Certain types of depression can be treated by means of light. That is why lighting of workplace plays a significant role in the efficiency of work environment and corresponds entirely to the above requirements.

Therefore insufficient and wrong lighting strongly influences our state of health and work quality.


Dentistry can be defined as an activity which requires exact visual orientation. Sharp contrast between illumination of a working zone and surrounding areas causes eyes overstrain and fast exhaustion.

To avoid similar symptoms, the difference of illumination brightness recommended between these two areas must not outrun 20 %. This recommendation was taken into consideration while creating D-Tec (Sweden) models.

D-Tec is a shadowless ceiling lamp of new generation used for a professional lighting in dentistry.

Basic advantages of D-Tec system lamps over their analogues:

  • High lighting intensity - 4400 lux/1.2m
  • Infra-red filter prevents thermal radiation and protects the lamp from dust and dirt
  • High-quality shadowless light
  • Optimal day light for light definition determination
  • Lack of magnetic and electric fields

These and other technologies are used in the dental centre “Denta Vita” located in the centre of Chisinau, where our qualified dentists take advantage of all their experience with the help of the up-to-date equipment for our patients’ benefit.