We make dentures
Inlays and pins
Every architect knows that the solidity and steadiness a future building consists in its basis, that is the foundation. A solid foundation can ensure to a building centuries of history and fame. History repeatedly proved it in the persons of such distinguished architects like…
The durability of service of orthopedic constructions (dentures) and of restorations, as well as in architecture, should be planned from the very basis. Thus when the tooth crown is considerably destroyed our clinic uses the widely accepted method for teeth restoration by reinforcing it. The main reinforcement method consists in joining the crown part to the root part of tooth with the help of links. In accordance with the destination, we use:
- splints
- cast-on pin lays
Splint is a special bar, which is set up and fixed in the rooted canal after its thorough obturation. Bar consists in the rooted part (that is fixed in tooth’s root) and in the crown part (which remains above the root and on which tooth crown is augmented).
Splints can be anchoring and fiberglass.
Picture1. Anchoring splints
Picture2. Fiberglass splints
Cast-on pin lays
The most vital problem of teeth dentures was always and remains the restoration of the destroyed crown part of the tooth. Many patients know that when tooth tissues are considerably destroyed dentist will use artificial crowns for dentures, but they need to be firmly fixed on tooth. Nowadays, even if crown part of tooth is completely destroyed, it can be used yet as a support for a single crown or in the structure of bridge denture, unless the root is well and correctly treated.
For the restoration of such teeth "Denta Vita" clinic prefers for a long time the well-known and praised construction – splint pin lay. This is an entirely cast-on construction that has a intraroot (splint) and extraroot parts.
Splint is fixed in the crown at a certain deep with the help of cementum, while the external part (abutment) represents the support for the future crown.

The advantages of this method used to prepare destroyed teeth and roots under crown, compared to other methods, are obvious. The restoration of lost teeth crown using obturation material on the standard splint, screwed in the root, doesn’t solve the problem of a complete restoration of abutment, but on the contrary it often leads to root splitting.
Splint inlays are cast-on from biocompatible alloys, this is why they can fit any type of crowns used at present.
These and other technologies are used in the dental centre “Denta Vita” located in the centre of Chisinau, where our qualified dentists take advantage of all their experience with the help of the up-to-date equipment for our patients’ benefit.