We treat Teeth
We treat canals

Endodontia is a kind of dentistry that is related to the treatment of the root canals and inflammatory processes developing around the teeth roots. The diagnosis "pulpitis" being familiar to many people is nothing but the neglected caries, which caused the inflammation of the neurovascular bundle in the tooth root canals. If the process has not reached the tissues surrounding the roots, it will be stopped by the dentist-endodontist. The teeth having previously poorly sealed root canals, which require being treated again should be paid a special attention. This is one of the most intricate types of endodontic treatment.

Methods of root canal treatment, a method of their sealing, the number of visits are determined by the dentist, taking into account the specific clinical situation. Filling root canals in our clinic is basically accomplished with gutta-percha pins (in a cold or thermally heated condition). The use of endodontic tips and the last generation apex locators in the treatment of root canals has optimized the process, improved the quality and reduced the operating time.

In concrete cases, such as treating root canals with a complex anomaly, eliminating defects, filling previously treated canals, removing foreign bodies from the root canal, the operational optics allows getting a secured high result (increase in the percentage of the successful outcomes).
In the dental clinic "Denta Vita", the system Dentaport ZX is usedwhen the endodontic treatment is performed. It is a novelty in the series of reliable Morita systems for endodontic treatment (Japan) that have given a good account of their operation. It is represented with a special low-speed endodontic tip with the integrated apex locator. When using Dentaport ZX, the risk of errors is significantly reduced while treating the root canals.
These and other technologies are used in the dental centre “Denta Vita” located in the centre of Chisinau, where our qualified dentists take advantage of all their experience with the help of the up-to-date equipment for our patients’ benefit.