We treat Teeth
We treat caries

Caries and its Treatment
There are many theories (more than 400) about the dental caries origination. According to the most common one, caries appears because of poor good oral hygiene (untimely and irregular teeth brushing, poor dental care), soft deposit is formed on the enamel (most of all, on the lateral tooth surfaces). The dental deposit becomes firmly bound to the tooth surface and is a perfect medium for breeding various bacteria and fungi.
Most of these bacteria are streptococci. The dental deposit consolidates if its composition includes mineral salts. Such deposit is called dental plaque. According to scientific investigations, the plaque bacteria produce lactic acid, which demineralizes the enamel. This brings about the initial stage of caries. In addition, the bacteria of the dental plaque produce dextrin (polysaccharide) out of sucrose (the same streptococci). Apparently because of this, sweet lovers are more susceptible to the dental caries.
Not all people suffer equally from the plaque bacteria. The dental caries develops more slowly when the patient’s immunity is better comparing with the weak one.
For this reason, caries develops gradually and apparently, scientists have identified four stages of its development:
- the carious spot;
- the surface caries;
- the medium caries;
- the deep caries.

In the private dental clinic "Denta Vita", we treat the caries with the obligatory use of cofferdam(since the year 2000). For the tooth restoration, we use modern aesthetic universal nanocomposites: EstetX and Filtek Supreme(3M).
You can see the photographs of the dental treatmentclinical cases here.
These and other technologies are used in the dental centre “Denta Vita” located in the centre of Chisinau, where our qualified dentists take advantage of all their experience with the help of the up-to-date equipment for our patients’ benefit.